Sonoff Basic Custom Firmware using Arduino

Upload a custom firmware to Sonoff Basic using Arduino IDE in 6 steps. I added a momentary push button to toggle the relay state.

Sonoff Basic Sonoff Basic with Button.


  1. Setup Arudino with ESP8266 Board Manger
  2. Configure Arduino IDE for Programming
  3. Connect USB to serial UART to Sonoff Basic
  4. Write Firmware
  5. Adding Toggle Push Button
  6. Upload Firmware to Sonoff Basic
  7. Links
  8. Troubleshooting

1. Setup Arudino with ESP8266 Board Manger

These links provide detailed instructions for completing step #1.

2. Configure Arduino IDE for Programming

Setting Selection
Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
Flash Mode: DOUT
Flash Frequency: 40MHz
Upload Using: Serial
CPU Frequency: 80MHz
Flash Size: 1M (256K SPIFFS)
Debug Port: Disabled
Debug Level: None
Reset Method: chk
Upload Speed: 115200
Port: USB to Serial UART COM Port

Make sure to set your set the Port once the USB to serial UART is connected.

Sonoff Basic Arduino IDE Configuration Sonoff Basic Arduino IDE Configuration

3. Connect USB to serial UART to Sonoff Basic

Sonoff UART Connection

4. Write Firmware

GPIO Component
13: LED


5. Adding Toggle Push Button

Sonoff Extra Button Sonoff Extra Button Mount Sonoff GPIO 14

6. Upload Firmware to Sonoff Basic

Sonoff GPIO

Upload firmware requires GPIO 0 BUTTON to be depressed upon boot to enable the bootloader. There is no reset button on the Sonoff Basic, the button must be depressed before connecting the 3.3V source. After power is connected GPIO 0 BUTTON can be released. Make sure the correct COM PORT is selected and go to Sketch -> Upload. If you have problems, look into flashing the chip with the tool shown in Troubleshooting.

8. Troubleshooting

Sometimes the firmware upload will not be successful, flashing then trying again can often resolve the issue. Make sure to use Flash Mode: DOUT and Flash Size: 1MB when flashing.

Written on February 1, 2018